Friday, March 10, 2006

what a boring day | what a boring town

dont feel like doing anything
dont feel like writing a blog
dont feel like going anywhere
dont feel like watching anything
dont feel like listening anything
dont feel like..
dont feel like listening anything
dont feel like watching anything
dont feel like going anywhere
dont feel like writing a blog
dont feel like doing anything

dont feel.. nothing.

just.. boring.

feels like sleep.

[Bondan, Jumat 10 Maret 2006, 04:40 PM, currently boring. sooo boring.]

Monday, March 06, 2006

reunited | concluded

damn, that really hit me between the eyes, again. how many times have you ever turned overnight again? i did. again. last night i was so desperate about this relationship, and now we are reunited again.


hopefully happily ever after

end of the story


[Bondan, Rabu 8 Maret 2006, 09:58 PM, currently happy.]

flooded and on fire | cruising the town

2:30 this afternoon. pergi nganter nyokap ke gajah mada, katanya sih mo ngambil tiket pesawat, besok mo ke surabaya. but damn! dari gw keluar rumah sampe mangga besar aja ujan udah segede2 umat. mana baru cuci mobil pula. cape dah. pas gue lewat mampang, banyak mobil mogok gara2 mesinnya kerendem air banjir. terang aja macet. pas di perempatan KFC [remember KFC? yang di kiri jalan tuh..] ada avanza [avanza apa xenia yak, gak gitu merhatiin] mogok, gw salip dong, pas gue nyalip, tiba2 ada asep item legam pekat tebel kentel naudzubillahmindzalik, ngebul seada2. pas gw liat lebih deket lagi ternyata ada warteg yang lagi on fire alias kebakaran. persisnya di pojok blok setelah KFC. kalo arah menuju kuningan kan KFC sebelah kiri jalan, abis itu kan ada perempatan, nah di blok setelah KFC itu pas banget di pojok ada warteg yg on fire tadi itu. gila dah, sempet2nya sih kebakaran padahal lagi ujan gede banget. gue langsung buru2 dengerin elshinta, telpon ke sana terus ngasih info nya. kayaknya gue yg pertama kali ngasih info deh, soalnya abis itu gue langsung disuruh stand by sama operatornya, katanya bentar lagi on air. eh beneran loh, tau2 radionya feedback pas gue ngomong sama penyiarnya, hehehe.. [ya iyalah feedback, goblog ah]

huff.. this town is so chaos.. well.. jakarta gitu loh..

[Bondan, Senin 6 Maret 2006, 04:29 AM, lagi kedinginan gara2 naek motor pagi2 buta dari jakarta ke karawaci, dan lagi "nganget" di warnet]

selamat tidur.. [ups, shalat subuh.]

Sunday, March 05, 2006

... | sleepless in town

nice. gue seharian ini belom tidur secara proper. padahal tadi pagi gue bangun jam 9 [maklum sabtu]. dan sekarang sudah jam tigaaa pagiii saudara saudara. saya harus segera menyentuh kamar dingin ber-ac dan menggelar selimut diatas badan saya. *lupa, matiin lampu dulu terus nyalain cd player, baru tidur* dengerin cd ah..

wait a minute. jam 3? yeah. great. bentar lagi gue. harus. shalat. subuh.


[Bondan, Minggu 5 Maret 2006, 03:04 AM, sebelom matiin lampu kamar dan nyoba tidur2an sambil dengerin cd.]

take me | a note

damn, that really hit me between the eyes. how many times have you ever turned overnight? i did. last night i was so desperate about this relationship, and before i know, i think i'm falling in love with her again. did i? or was it just me? my feelings? well, whatever. maybe i'm finally totally completely over her, maybe i don't. normally i do believe in "meant-to-be"s, but some recent accidents have made me lost my creed. you're having a relationship with other people, not because you two were "meant-to-be" together. it's because you struggle to get what you want or who you want. try staying at home, don't come out at all, guaranteed your "meant-to-be" will never even figure out where you live. *sigh*

oh hell. whatever. so here i am. struggling for my "meant-to-be". eventhough i don't know what's coming to me. but it's just must be probably maybe. well, no one knows about the future. but now i see things differently. maybe this is just my feelings, but i'm pretty sure about what i feel. i'm finally proud to be me. i'm finally proud to let loose. i'm finally proud to tell the world.

that i need someone like you
not this kind of loneliness
filled with emptiness

that i need someone like you
fill my heart with happiness
till the end of days

and i needed someone like you
please take me
oh take me and we'll fly away

oh, i never told you to buy this crap. lol.

[Bondan, Minggu 5 Maret 2006, 01:33 AM, inspired by someone whose recently being very helpful to me. but still, can't sleep. take me.]

take me | desperate ?

i still remember when it started
felt so lonely broken hearted
said i wasn't motivated
and i don't wanna talk about it

you live your life with no regrets
there's nothing to worry about it
but then i saw you walking alone
so this is me, i'm telling the world

that i need someone like you
not this kind of loneliness
filled with emptiness
and i needed someone like you
please take me
oh take me and we'll fly away

i never knew that love was around me
until you came and set me free
so please don't turn your back on me
cos this is me, i'm telling the world

that i need someone like you
fill my heart with happiness
till the end of days
and i needed someone like you
please take me
oh take me and we'll fly away

[Bondan, Minggu 5 Maret 2006, 00:36 AM, gak ada kerjaan. gak bisa tidur. you name it lah.]