ever tried editing with mac? 1 word. exciting.
pertama kali gw actually menyentuh mesin berlogo apel kegigit ini, impression gw cuma 1. keren. one state-of-the-art production machine with a badass mofo editing tools. the package comes with Final Cut Studio, an integrated software lineup consisting of : Final Cut Pro, Motion , Soundtrack Pro, Compressor, and DVD Studio Pro. [click link for images]
Final Cut Pro itu tools untuk non-linear video editing, lengkap dengan transition dan effects library yang ngga bakal abis lo cobain satu2 semaleman. supports multiple video layers as well as audio layers. sering pake Adobe Premiere? nah, Final Cut Pro itu Premiere, tapi apple made.
Motion itu tools buat animation editing, effects library nya ngga kalah banyak sama Final Cut Pro, ditambah koleksi font, filter, dan image particles. think of Adobe's After Effect, tapi bikinan Macintosh.
Soundtrack Pro, jelas dari namanya, tools buat sound editing. bayangin aja, lo bisa ngilangin noise dan glitch di audio file cuma dengan sekali klik! dan masih banyak lagi sample sound effect sama ambience. and i mean great quality.
Compressor, the ultimate delivery tool. export video/audio footage yang udah diedit, ke format apa aja, you name it, Compressor has it. .mov, .avi, .mpeg, .m1v, .m2v, you name it. bahkan bisa langsung export video untuk ukuran iPod!
DVD Studio Pro, tool pamungkas di package Final Cut Studio. create High Definition DVD or Standard Definition DVD, lengkap dengan pilihan template menu dari softwarenya sendiri, subtitling tool yg gampang dipelajari, create DVD menu yang bisa diprogram, multiple subtitle, multiple audio, multiple angle.
Inget pas awal tadi gw bilang integrated? kenapa? karena lo bisa switch cross-app dengan sekali klik. workflownya kira2 kaya gini. OK, pertama2 lo capture video footage pake Final Cut Pro. log clips yang mau dicapture lalu terusin pake batch capture, Final Cut Pro secara otomatis me-rewind tape yang mau lo capture, sampe ke timecode yang udah di log sebelumnya, lalu mulai capture. everything is done automatically, the apple way. lalu selesai capture, lo edit. diantara footage2 itu ada beberapa footage yang mau lo tambahin animasi, switch ke Motion. edit animasi udah kelar, tinggal save project file di Motion, switch back ke Final Cut Pro, file yang lo edit di Motion barusan udah langsung ter-update secara otomatis. audio ngga beres? mau tambahin ambience atau soundtrack? bawa ke Soundtrack Pro. selesai semuanya, switch back lagi ke Final Cut Pro. then again, file yang lo edit langsung ter-update. beres di Final Cut Pro, export movie file pake Compressor, add movie to batch, setting output format, lalu klik submit, bisa ditinggal deh. DVD Studio Pro works in the same way, add movie files to the timeline, divide into chapters, add menus, add subtitles, all you have to do is click on the "Burn" button, insert a DVD-R media, and your masterpiece is done!
i myself prefer to call this package "the ultimate high definition production tool". and i mean ultimate. imagine what can you do with Final Cut Studio, running on the new Mac Pro. damn. definitely want one of those.
for more details and eye-shocking video showcase of the package,
visit : Final Cut Studio Homepage
caution : mupeng tanggung sendiri.
Bondan Rastika
Video Director, Senior Video Editor